Madelaine Matej, photo by Amanda Rowan

September 10, 2018

"The marriage of soprano voice and violin was showcased with a performance by James and Madelaine Matej MacQueen at Wadsworth Public Library on Sunday afternoon."

--Nathan Havenner, Medina Gazette

August 18, 2018

"Soprano Madeleiene Matej sang a coyly insinuating aria as Cupid." [sic]

--James Roy MacBean, Berkeley Daily Planet

August 11, 2018

"With ABS Artistic Director Jeffrey Thomas on the podium, Semele served as front-and-center showcase for the vocal soloists, who came and went from the ABS Academy chorus positioned behind the orchestra. The singers’ entrances and exits and mostly well-judged stage business of flirty sidelong glances, soul-searching looks and the occasional caress, provided just enough theatrical touches to flesh out the story. "

--Steven Winn, San Francisco Classical Voice

August 10, 2018

"Soprano Madelaine Matej, as Cupid, had just one aria to deliver but she made it tell."

--Joshua Kosman, The San Francisco Chronicle

February 25, 2016

"Following the competition, Matej, a 21-year-old from Mill Valley, was reassured when her roommate suddenly exclaimed: 'Congratulations.' 'Then, I saw the email,' she said with a laugh.'"

--Tony Sauro, The Record

NOVEMBER 8, 2014

"...'O Holy Night,' sung by Madelaine Matej..."

--Tony Sauro, The Record

February 27, 2014

"...Madelaine Matej, who wears a quasi-wig while portraying Eurydice, the object of multiple male gods' attentions."

--Tony Sauro, The Record

January 28, 2014

"The free program...will feature the top talent in Pacific's Conservatory of Music."

--The Record

October 18, 2013

"Another Powell Scholar has set her sights on an opera career. Sophomore Madelaine Matej, 19, from Mill Valley is majoring in vocal performance at one of Pacific's oldest schools, the Conservatory of Music."

--Joe Goldeen, The Record

June 21, 2013

"On June 13, 2013 Conservatory of Music student Madelaine Matej ('16) won the 2013 Glenn Miller Birthplace Society (GMBS) Ray Eberle Vocal Scholarship at the 38th Annual Glenn Miller Festival in Clarinda, Iowa."

--University of the Pacific, University News

May 23, 2013

"Second-place prize of $750 went to Madelaine Matej, who is attending University of the Pacific with a major in voice. She performed Britten's 'Flora's Lullaby,' Dowland's 'Come Again, Sweet Love,' and Handel's 'Va godendo.'"

--Mendelle Lachtman and Marianne McCarroll, The Record

OCTOBER 17, 2012

"Matej earned the top honor of performing for the Manteca Friends of the Stockton Symphony in June. ...She is a Powell Scholar, one of the most prestigious academic honors awarded by the university, and has earned a music merit scholarship."

--Jan Stanley, The Record

September 15, 2008

"...there are good Madelaine Matej and Rose Frazier as his adolescent daughters."

--Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle

September 14, 2008

" assured, textured and subtly paced performance."

--Anthony Tommasini, The New York Times

June 3, 2008

"...Madelaine Matej as Flora, her singing bright and true, and her stage presence a compelling mixture of playfulness and turmoil."

--Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle 

September 27, 2007

"They don't fit the stereotype of opera singers - no posturing or other signs of self-conscious ego. Instead, both are (plus or minus) 5 feet tall, vivacious, quick-to-smile poster children for the American ideal of an early teenager."

--Charles Brousse, Marin Independent Journal